Sexual Health

Resources for learning more about sexual health.


A website with helpful, teen-friendly, and comprehensive sexual health information.


Sex Etc.

A website run by teens that offers information on sexual health to other teens.

Sex Etc.

CDC HIV/STI Testing Clinic Locator

An online tool that can help you find HIV and STI  testing sites near you.

CDC HIV/STI Testing Clinic Locator

AIDSVu: HIV Testing Locator

 An online tool that can help you find HIV and STI  testing sites near you.

Find Services

Planned Parenthood

A website with teen-friendly info on a variety of sexual health topics.

Planned Parenthood

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

The following links are resources you can use to learn more about what PrEP is and whether it’s a good option for you.

Demystifying PrEP

PrEP Facts

PrEP: Questions to Consider Whether PrEP is Right For Me

PrEP – An HIV Prevention Option


A website that talks about different birth control methods.


School & Education 

Resources for LGBTQ school clubs, scholarships, and rights of students in school.

The GSA Network: 10 Steps for Starting a GSA

If your school doesn’t have a Gay-Straight Alliance yet, consider starting one! Here is a helpful guide.

The GSA Network

Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

This website has some helpful resources and ideas for LGBTQ clubs in schools.


Point Foundation

This foundation offers scholarships to LGBTQ students who are at least seniors in high school.

Point Foundation

Know Your Rights: Schools

This document lists transgender students’ rights and how allies can help fight discrimination at school.


Know your Rights: Students & LGBTQ Rights at School  

This site lists general rules and rights of LGBTQ students in public schools.

SPL Center

Crisis & Trauma Intervention

Resources for when you’re experiencing trauma or going through a tough time.

The Trevor Project 

If you feel like you’re in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a place to talk, you can call or chat online with a trained counselor here.

The Trevor Project

It Gets Better Project

This is a list of numbers if you’re feeling suicidal or need help from someone and you don’t know who to talk to.

It Gets Better Project

Rape Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)

If you have experienced any kind of sexual violence, like rape or sexual assault, you can call this number or chat online with counselors for free.

Phone: 1-800-656-46734

RAINN Chat Online

The National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH)

If you have experienced any kind of sexual violence, like rape or sexual assault, you can call this number or chat online with counselors for free.

Phone: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

NDVH Chat Online

LGBT Social Network Spaces

Resources for safely connecting to other LGBTQ people online

Q Chat Space

Q Chat Space is a digital LGBTQ+ center where you can join daily, live-chat, online discussion groups. Q Chat Space gives you safe opportunities to connect with other teens, in spaces moderated by trusted adults, within a structure that encourages compassion and discourages bullying. Conversations are facilitated by experienced staff who work at LGBTQ+ centers around the country.

Q Chat Space


This is a link to create an account with TrevorSpace, which offers an online community of LGBTQ young people to connect with.


LGBT Family Support

Resources for dealing with family or for your family to help you.

Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens and Their Parents

A useful resource for coming out to parents.

Coming Out: Information for Parents of LGBTQ Teens

Parents, Families, Friends, of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)

A site you might want to share with your family- it offers resources and tips to parents who have LGBTQ children.


Anti-Hate & Violence

Resources for dealing with bullying.

Stomp Out Bullying

This site offers a list of ways to deal with bullying and stop bullying.

Stomp Out Bullying

News, Media, & Culture

Resources for checking out news and stories affecting LGBTQ people.

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC)

This site posts news articles focused on human rights.



This is a news site focused on stories affecting LGBTQ people.



GayWrites posts videos/blogs and tweets about exploring sexuality and US focused news.


GayWrites (YouTube)

GayWrites (Twitter)

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

This sites posts general articles and blogs about experiences of LGBTQ people.


Volunteering, Scholarships, & Community Involvement 

Resources for finding volunteer opportunities


A site for helping find internships and volunteer positions at a variety of organizations near you.
